Hear from Us

SACCOS means Savings and Credit Co operative Societies created to build economic powerful to the community through mobilization of savings and empowering people by having a good manner and behavior of savings and loans..

Through this manner WAT SACCOS established to solve a chronic problem of lack of access to financial services facing the majority of Tanzanians and members of WAT SACCOS, rather than to wait for these services to come to us, we opted for a community mutual financial system. It was registered in January 1998 under the Co operative Act of 1991 following current Co operative Act 2004. WAT SACCOS created by the members themselves and controlled wholly by them, this is according to the Co operative principles.

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Malengo Yetu

Lengo Kuu


WAT SACCOS imedhamiria kuongeza idadi ya wanachama na kuhakikisha kunakuwepo na ubora wa mikopo, kuongeza akiba na hisa kwa kutoa huduma za kifedha na makazi bora kwa wanachama



SACCOS mahiri na endelevu yenye wanachama waliofanikiwa kwa kuwa na maisha bora.



Kuondoa umaskini kwa wanachama wake kwa kutoa huduma za kifedha na kuboresha makazi yao.

Maadili ya msingi


  • Uadilifu
  • Kuchapa kazi kwa Bidii
  • Uwajibikaji
  • Uwazi